NCLA will get you licensed QUICKER and EASIER!
We have the Delaware Contractor License Information you need. Receive trusted guidance on registering your business, documenting your qualifications, passing your state exams, avoiding exams, using reciprocity and qualifying individuals.
Contact a license professional to get properly licensed today!
Delaware Division of Professional Regulation:
Board of Electrical Examiners:
Phone #: 302-744-4500
Fax #: 302-739-2711
Mailing Address: Cannon Building, Suite 203, 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Dover, DE 19904
Master Electrician – $157
Master Special Electrician – $157
Limited Electrician – $84
Limited Special Electrician – $84
Journeyperson Electrician – $74
Apprentice Electrician – $59
Homeowner Permits – $42
Inspection Agency – $40
Conditional Inspection Agency – $40
Types of Licenses:
Types of electrician licensure in Delaware include Master, Master Special, Limited, Limited Special, Journeyperson and Apprentice (24 Del. C. 1408 (a)). If you have completed all education and experience requirements of an approved apprenticeship program and received your certificate of completion, you may apply for either a Journeyperson Electrician or other type of Electrician license. Journeyperson Electrician licensure allows you to perform electrical services under supervision while you obtain more experience and master the skills that you will need to pass the examination for the other types of Electrician licensure. If you do not qualify as a Master Electrician but have knowledge in an area(s) of specialty, you may apply for a Master Electrician Special license in one of these specialty areas:
Electric Signs
Primary Distribution Systems
If you do not qualify as a Limited Electrician but have knowledge in an area(s) of specialty, you may apply for a Limited Electrician Special license in one of these specialty areas:
If you have more than one specialty area, you must file a separate application for each area.
Master Plumber Contractor License:
Plumber – $121
Master HVACR – $121
Master Restricted HVACR – $121
HVACR Temporary – $40
Delaware Water Supply:
Division of Water
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19901
Telephone: 302-739-9949
FAX: 302-739-7864
State of Delaware Division of Revenue:
Jennifer R. Noel, Esquire
Director of Revenue: 302-577-8686
Any person desiring to engage in business as either a contractor or subcontractor in the State of Delaware, whether such person is a resident or non-resident of Delaware, must obtain a license from the Division of Revenue. The licensing fee is $75.00 per year (proratable the first year).
State of Delaware Division of Facilities Management:
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Class “A”
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Class “A” Recertification
Asbestos Supervisor Class “A”
Asbestos Worker App
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Class “B” Limited
Asbestos Supervisor /Worker Class “B”
Licensing Contact:
Doris Potter
(302) 739-5644
State of Delaware-Asbestos Office:
540 S. DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901, Suite #1
P: (302) 739-5644
F: (302) 739-3037
“Asbestos Abatement” for the purpose of this regulation means, asbestos abatement means the construction, demolition, repair, maintenance, or renovation of any public or private building or structure, mechanical piping equipment or system involving the demolition, removal, encapsulation, salvage, or disposal of asbestos containing material. Asbestos abatement includes, but is not limited to:
a. The wrecking or removal of any structural member containing asbestos material.
b. The coating, binding, or resurfacing of walls, ceilings, pipes, or other structures for the purpose of
preventing asbestos from becoming airborne.
c. The construction of airtight walls and ceilings, by use of impact resistant materials, to isolate surfaces
coated with material containing asbestos material.
d. The removal of asbestos-containing material from any pipe, duct, boiler, tank, reactor, furnace, or any
other structural member including, but not limited to roofs, ceilings, floors, or interior or exterior
“Asbestos Abatement” means project work undertaken by a contractor or person which involves the
installation, removal, encapsulation, application or enclosure of any asbestos project or asbestos-containing project materials, or the disturbance of friable asbestos or cementitious asbestos-containing material or the disturbance of non-friable material that will become friable with handling, except for work in an owner occupied single family dwelling performed by the owner of such dwelling.
Delaware DOT:
Contact Info:
Toll Free: 800-652-5600
In Delaware: 302-760-2080